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9 Ideas to Create Calm in the Midst of Uncertainty

Bret Chance

Integrity, hard work, do the right thing, problem-solving, professionalism, driven, teacher. Those are words that describe Bret Chance...

Integrity, hard work, do the right thing, problem-solving, professionalism, driven, teacher. Those are words that describe Bret Chance...

Mar 19 4 minutes read

Regardless of where you are on the spectrum from feeling anxious and worried to completely annoyed that this health crisis is interfering with your life...we’re all dealing with it in some capacity.

Taking action is one of the best ways to help with feeling like things are out of your control. Since you’re probably finding yourself at home a lot for the next few weeks, here are some things you can do to feel empowered.

1. Clarity will help you keep from feeling overwhelmed.

Do a brain dump of everything that needs to be done. Then pick the top 3 things that MUST be done today. The app (free version) is a great tool to help with this. Once you have your list, put each task into your calendar so you’ll know each day what to be working on.

2. Laugh and have some fun.

No, this current situation is not funny. But laughter helps us all cope with it better and release some stress. Tim Hawkins is one of our favorite comedians. Check out his song about Chick fil A.

3. Guard what you watch and listen to.

Yes, it’s good to stay informed about what's going on in the world pertaining to the Corona Virus. Find a way to get the information you need, then turn it off. Don’t leave it running all day every day. It’s important to feed ourselves with positive information in times of crisis. Here are some free resources from the Calm app, and a prayer for healing & protection from the Abide app (click on the hyperlinks).

4. Connect with others virtually.

Use Facetime, Zoom, or Google Hangouts to connect with family, friends or co-workers. We may need to have distance physically, but not socially and emotionally. We all need connection to not feel so alone during this time. We're all in this together.

Photo by Jud Mackrill on Unsplash

5. Focus on wellness.

Workout from home to keep your mind and body in shape. This deck of cards workout is something the kids could do as well. And it's a great time to make some home-cooked meals that are a little healthier than eating out.

6. Skill up and learn something new.

Is this the time to learn something that could get you a new job or new career? Hey, you could start your real estate courses online right now. (Ask us how you can get a discount on those real estate classes.)

7. Pray Psalm 91 with your family.

One version we like is The Passion Translation

8. Start Spring cleaning.

Get rid of any germs and remove anything you don’t use anymore. There are plenty of people right now that could probably use what you no longer need. This is also a great time to prepare your house to sell, if you have plans to move this year. We can tour your home virtually and give you tips on what to do in preparation to sell when you’re ready.

9. Look at homes for sale.

Contrary to what some may think, the housing market is still moving. The interest rates are at historic lows, which means you can get more house for your money. Check out the newest homes to hit the market below. We'll be glad to show you homes in person or virtually. We have gloves, booties and hand sanitizer ready!


If there is anything we can do to help you and your family through this time, please don't hesitate to reach out. Real estate-related or not, we're here to help.

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